March 9, 2025


Once again, a return to an offshoot of Tudor City promotion, that which was aimed at the theatergoer. 

"They come late and leave early ‒ leaving annoyance and irritation in their wake. It's absolutely inexcusable ‒ with Tudor City within easy walking distance of all the theaters."     

"Did you stand for thirty minutes hanging to a strap to get here this evening? . . . How much more you would enjoy the play if you had arrived untired and knew that it would take you only ten minutes to get home. And you could do just that if you lived at Tudor City."

"When you deposit your nickel, you don't know whether yours will be standing room for your own feet or whether your feet will be furnishing standing room for someone else's. . . Tudor City offers a definite solution to subway crowding."


The attached caught our eye recently. "Tudor City Takeover" was part of the sizzle reel of The Millennial Broker on YouTube. Made in 2023, it said there were over 60 micro-apartments in Tudor City for sale, all priced at under $350,000 ‒ and micro because they all measured less than 400 square feet. The video concludes with speedy montage of designers and floor plans with groovy add-ons. See for yourself.


  1. I want to move back

  2. The Tudor City Takeover reality TV video violates NYC real estate advertising regulations by only mentioning very young women. It states old people are moving on and every scene and reference is to the client as "she".

  3. Very cool. Thanks for Sharing
