March 2, 2025


Bowling is back, with this matchbook cover promoting Downtown Bowling ‒ while inside the matchbook, it named Capitol Bowling, Radio City Bowling and Billiards, Grand Central Bowling, and Tudor City Bowling as equally good places. A local chain, it had only one phone number for reservations.  


Advertisement in Tudor City Service, 1934. 


A postcard view of the Tudor Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge "in the Royal Tradition" in Hotel Tudor, serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and a "lavish cocktail buffet." The enterprise was managed by the team behind Rosoff's Restaurant in Times Square, around since 1899. Postcard, circa 1960.    


Nicaraguan protestors in 1977 decrying the conditions at home at the UN, with The Woodstock and No. 45 in the background. No action was taken.

1 comment:

  1. I'm fascinated by the last photo.
    Seems like the same view as now, just much less trees.
