Finally, pictorial evidence showing how close meatpacking was to Tudor City ‒ a photograph that features both No. 45 (top left) and loose cattle (bottom), pre-slaughterhouse. It was made on 43rd Street, looking west. The truck belonged to ARTHUR BRETH, Quality Meats and Meat Specialties; the fact that it offered Refrigerated Service made it even more ominous.
The picture was made by Alexander Alland for the special Manhattan issue of Fortune magazine in July, 1939.
Taking a closer look at the Abattoir Center, this photograph of New York Veal & Mutton shows it was located on both sides of 43rd Street along First Avenue.
Further up at 44th Street, the United Dressed Beef Company plied its trade.
Judging from the building in the background, this picture seems to have been made on 44th Street near the river. Mutton seems to be on the menu.
The Abattoir Center, in the evening. For further reading on the subject, see our earlier post.

Further up the block, United Dressed Beef is followed by Wilson & Co., framed by a Mast-Arm light fixture.
And on another matter, a friend asks us to post a link to a petition against the casino. Here it is.
Thank you for the petition link.