June 16, 2024


It's time for another roundup of items relating to Tudor City that are interesting, just not interesting enough for its own post. 
Walking down Fifth Avenue the other day, we happened upon a plaque bearing our founder's initials rendered in brass: Fred Fillmore French. Of course, it was the French Building on 45th Street, but we were impressed ‒ his initials had become something of a trademark.

An early picture of the colony as seen from The Manor's point of view. It is winter, and scarcely a leaf can be seen in the North Park; even its pergola, below, is bare.

Taken from a window in No. 45, this is most likely from the Tulip Festival of 1939, with the person at the microphone being baritone Glenn Darwin. They had 50,000 tulips that year, a record. From the collection of Fabrice Frere, thanks Fabrice.

Finally, here is an imaginary night view by Matthew Rigione, featuring the sign lit crimson red. We thought it was lit in yellow, were we wrong? Color views of the sign at night do not exist. . . or do they?


  1. AnonymousJune 16, 2024

    It was a glorious red neon until the early 1990's

  2. AnonymousJune 16, 2024


  3. AnonymousJune 16, 2024

    Love the vintage photos - especially the one showing the nifty old cars! Thank you.

  4. AnonymousJune 17, 2024

    amazing photos, thanks for posting
