January 21, 2024

INSTAGRAM Goes to the Field of Light

Continuing the ongoing story of the vacant lot on First Avenue, here's the latest attempt to draw some favorable publicity to the owners' cause, a casino next to the United Nations. Thus the plot ‒ which they have dubbed Freedom Plaza ‒ now sponsors a light show called the Field of Light. 

Here are some views of it as seen on Instagram.

No. 5, No. 25 and the mass of lights, by mchlanglo793  

Eastward, the river and the outer-borough condos, by gigi.nyc

A view of the Chrysler Building, by ericrihlmann 

A nod to One Vanderbilt, by ericrihlmann

Looking down on the lighting effects, by fieldoflightnyc

Southern view, by newyorkfeature


  1. The Tudor City Association, United Nations, Community Board 6 and other organizations oppose the establishment of a casino on the site of the current "pit".
    The light show is a cheap distraction and just like putting lipstick on a pig.

    1. The TCA with good legal counsel fought Helmsley decades ago for the parks and won. I believe in them and support.

  2. I thought it would be more impressive. It looks like a scene from Fantastic Voyage. We're about to be consumed by angry immune cells.

  3. At least we got a new sidewalk along the empty lot. Better than a casino!

  4. Tudor City residents and all of us in midtown East are fiercely opposed to this project that will take away our peace and water views.Do we really need more tall buildings where there's some greens and open space . Build a beautiful park. And a shopping and sports center. That's much needed here.

    1. A beautiful park for the Eastside waterfront would be perfect.
