Ran on May 11, 1928 |
A return to advertising today, specifically anti-subway advertisements. Our first example is an open letter to 'Mr. O'Sullivan' from the Tudor City pedestrians; it read
Dear Sir: We would like to express, formally and publicly, our appreciation for your great work in behalf of the walkers of this city. You have added comfort to what was already a pleasure. Our aims are much alike, and it is our sincere hope that this public statement may serve to further our mutual cause ‒ self-locomotion.
We live in Tudor City because (a) we like it there and (b) from there you can walk to wherever you want to go. We represent an organized revolt against traffic tie-ups, subway jams, all the evils of congestion. We walk ‒ and get there. We use your heels. And we thank you for all you have done to make this movement a vital factor in our city's life.
Mr. O'Sullivan was, of course, Humphrey O'Sullivan, who in 1896 attached pieces of rubber to his shoes to ease leg fatigue, and shortly thereafter, patented the rubber heel. It made him rich and famous, and was still quite the phenomenon when Tudor City first opened.
March 2, 1928 |
April 12, 1928 |
April 6, 1928 |
March 29, 1928 |
We conclude with an obviously concocted ad, a message from the President of the Amalgamated Pedestrians Association, who is never named. "There is no occasion for anxiety at the present time," he says. As the APA constitution prevents him from calling a strike anyway, he archly suggests everybody "move to Tudor City" instead.